The keto diet is one of the hardest diets to stick to. With keto, you must be ready to say goodbye to a majority of the foods that you love to eat. That means no pasta, no burgers, no desserts, no rice, no fruits, etc. If you do consume one or more of the above, your ketone levels will drop, and your body will be thrown out of “ketosis.” On top of this, you have to eat ungodly amounts of fat each day, who wants to do that?
Not to mention ‘The Keto Flu,’ which is a bundle of negative and unwelcome symptoms like constipation, headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue, to name a few. Let’s say that ‘Keto Bad Breath’ is a real thing.
What if you could reap the benefits of a keto diet without having to go through the adverse effects? Yes, BioTrust Keto Elevate promises rapid weight loss without having to go on a keto diet. It claims to promote a ketogenic lifestyle without the keto diet. You can eat carbohydrates; you can drink the drink of your choice; you don’t have to make huge sacrifices. It promises all the benefits of a keto diet without having to undertake the keto diet itself.
Are all these claims legit? Does BioTrust Keto Elevate actually work? Stick with us through this article, and you’ll soon find out.
What exactly is Keto Elevate?
BioTrust Keto Elevate is an that provides you with all the perks of a keto diet without undertaking the diet itself. When you’re on a keto diet, you don’t have the freedom to eat what you want, drink what you want; if you’re done with all the restrictions that you have to place on yourself while on the keto diet, then Keto Elevate is what you need in your life.
Following a ketogenic diet requires you to stop eating carbohydrates so that your body is deprived of glucose, which leads to your body digesting fats, which leads to the synthesis of ketone bodies. This leads to elevated ketone levels in your body, which boosts your body’s metabolism and re-energizes your body.
However, a keto diet is tough to follow because you can’t take any carbs. You also have to take very low amounts of protein; if you go above a certain level, your body gets kicked out of ketosis again. These sacrifices are very hard for many people to make, which is why Keto Elevate promises the same high levels of ketone without the sacrifices that the keto diet requires.
Thousands have tried and approved of the Keto ELevate formula. Ms. Mulcahy, a customer hand this to say on Amazon:
“I was skeptical at first. But I have more energy & have lost weight. It’s easy to take. I put it in my coffee each morning. There is a slight taste but one that is not too noticeable. My husband and I are in our third bag. If I were to guess, I would say that a bag lasts the 2 of us about 3 weeks.”
Keto Elevate Prices and Discounts
If you right now, you can avail yourself of some amazing discounts. On top of this, for every Keto Elevate order today, BioTrust will donate a nutritious meal to a hungry child. The prices and discounts are as follows:
- 1 Bag – $24 (51% Discount)
- 3 Bags – $19/Bag (61% Discount)
- 6 Bags – $14/Bag (71% Discount)
Along with these discounts, you get a 60-day money-back guarantee, so if you don’t see the results, you can always get your money back by calling the customer service: 800-766-5086
Is Keto Elevate worth it?
If you want the benefits of keto without having to deal with all the restrictions that you would need to put on yourself, .